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Improving focus, mental health and well-being with


Mushrooms Close-Up


Microdosing has emerged as a popular way to explore the benefits of psychedelics without inducing a psychedelic journey.

It is the practice of consuming regularly a very small amount of a psychedelic substance, usually 5–10% of a regular dose,
with the intention of improving one’s quality of life.


1. Pre-Orientation and Preparation

The first step is to have comprehensive assessments including medical history, psychological state, and personal goals to ensure suitability and safety for microdosing. For this, I will provide you with detailed information about microdosing, its potential effects, the substances used, and safety protocols. Using my Therapeutic Coaching framework, I will also assist you in setting clear intentions for your microdosing journey, discussing potential outcomes and choose best and suitable integration practices tailored to your particular situation and goals.

2. Microdosing Cycles and Ongoing Insightful Integration

Following your chosen and suitable protocol you will start the Microdosing journey.

At the beginning we will have regular scheduled check-ins on dosing days to discuss experiences, offer emotional support, and make dosage adjustments if necessary.

The supportive therapeutical coaching sessions will be bi-weekly to explore and process the experiences and insights you have gained to facilitate personal growth and emotional wellbeing. In some cases we will meet weekly. As an open option you will have access to by-weekly group coaching meetings to learn from others in a supportive environment and to share your experiences. We will conduct regular evaluations to measure changes in psychological and emotional states compared to baseline, adapting to any challenges encountered to foster long-term benefits.

3. Post-Microdosing Integration for Continuing Growth and Evaluation

Insightful Microdosing is about you learning to integrate the insights and changes into daily life, for more resilience, emotional regulation, enhancing creativity and problem-solving skills. I will offer you guidance on how to maintain or continue improvements gained during the program, including without ongoing microdosing.

Mushrooms Close-Up

Blending Microdosing with Therapeutical Coaching

The combination of microdosing, mindfulness, and therapeutical coaching offers a holistic approach to the potential of personal growth and transformation that microdosing opens.


Within my coaching framework, you can address deeper conditions/issues while accessing and cultivating greater self-awareness and enable self-observation of subtle perceptual changes that will lead you to lasting transformation around and beyond the areas you choose to focus on.


My therapeutical coaching is, in its core, a journey of self-discovery and self-knowledge. It opens the door of your mind to change your perception and let your heart lead the unfolding of your essential unconditioned nature to be who you truly are.


By combining it with microdosing you will be fostering the process with different tools and possibilities to unlock your innate potential for self-healing and growth allowing you to reach faster results in a relative short amount of time.

"Microdosing with psilocybin provides a subtle, steady path to heightened awareness, nurturing embodiment experiences that gently unfold over time, fostering a deeper connection to self, the world around us and the Great Spirit"

- SOFIA - 


While I do not endorse illegal activity, I am a strong advocate of equitable and responsible access to psychedelic medicines for the purpose of healing, prayer, and personal growth.


I am at the service of healing & growth, I can help you with the process and psycho-education, however I cannot help with the sourcing of illegal substances.

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