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"Since working with Sofia, it all starts to make sense. I have grown so much on self-understanding and compassion. I feel confident again as if I am starting loving myself just as I am! It is a wonderful feeling!"

- JULIA - 


A hybrid model combining elements of both, Psychotherapy and Coaching tailored

specifically to your needs and the outcomes you are pursuing.


 Sessions usually take place every other week online via video from wherever you are in the world or in person there where Sofia is. (Currently in Nosara, Costa Rica.)


As a client, you can be assured of receiving the expertise and professionalism of a licensed therapist and certified systemic coach in Sofia. You will benefit from the highest level of confidentiality without the need to worry about mental health diagnoses, medical records, health insurance involvement, or disclosing treatment when applying for disability or life insurance policies.




We reflect on your past experiences, childhood development and psychodynamics to assists you gain clarity about the evolution of your personal identity (personality) so you can reframe your experiences and change your subconscious psycho-structure (beliefs) allowing for self-actualization, healing and growthSpecifically, I use Transgenerational Family Tree Analysis, Family Constellations, Internal Family Systems (Parts Work), Analytical Psychology (C.G. Jung), Trauma Therapy and Energy Psychology.

We set goals and I will direct the interventions so, to help you heal, transform and adapt in the here and now.

We work in partnership to achieve your therapeutic goals through heartfelt and creative interventions. Systemic means, we look at your situation and yourself as part of a system from which you are not separated but interconnected and interrelated. We focus on solutions and what helps you transform your reality so your situation and challenges become a source of healing, growth

and expansion.

ready to embrace your Human greatness?

I invite you to embark on a journey of transformation, where your openness meets my expertise, empathy, and heart-centered approach. Together, we'll create a nurturing space for healing and growth to flourish in a remarkably short time frame.


Throughout our exploration, we'll dive deep into:


  • How your Life Force Energy has been shaped during childhood by family and social experiences, conditioning you to survive rather than thrive.

  • Identifying how your nervous system has learn to block your energy, preventing you from fully relaxing into the expansive nature of your true Self.

  • Shedding light on the intricate web of relationships, looking at the patterns, learnt mostly during childhood, and rewire your brain to establish healthy boundaries and cultivate genuine, loving and authentic relationships.

  • Reconnecting with your inner wisdom and intuition, empowering you to create a life that resonates with your deepest desires and aspirations for more purpose, meaning and fulfillment.


Furthermore, we will use insights from your energetic chakra system and a thorough analysis of your psychological development stages, we'll systematically address any imbalances to catalyze profound healing and growth.


Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? Book your discovery session today and take the first step towards manifesting your greatness!

"Working with Sofia gave me a sense of clarity like I never experienced before. With her, I finally could see and most importantly feel, big shifts in thinking and feeling
from first session on.
It has been life changing!"



Ideal to work on very specific subjects for example:  reclaiming your power after breaking up of a difficult relationship, exploring and changing limiting beliefs around money and abundance, gaining self-confidence and leadership in a difficult work situation.

  • 1 Assessment session à 2h

  • 1 Session every other week à 90min

  • WhatsApp support in-between

  • Comprehensive Workbook

  • 1 Bonus Closing Session à 45min on week 8

  • Participation in the Kundalini Activation open group sessions throughout the duration of your package (at least 2 for this package)


This package allows to start working and getting clarity on more complex subjects and their root causes, i.e.: recovering from an abusive relationship may be related to relational trauma. Anxiety and unprocessed emotional blockages may be related to undiagnosed (complex) PTSD.

  • 1 Assessment session à 2h

  • 1 Session every other week à 90min

  • WhatsApp support in-between

  • Comprehensive Workbook

  • 1 Bonus Closing Session on week 13 à 45min

  • Participation in the Kundalini Activation open group sessions throughout the duration of your package (at least 3 for this package)

Therapeutic Coaching Packages

These packages offer an alternative to work with me on your specific topics while ensuring a focused and

transformative process.


As a trained professional I will guide you so that you get the most out of each interaction and the process as a whole.


Packages foresee a session every other week, however we can set them as frequent as you need them. On those cases the length of the package may change.


* All packages include participation in the

online Kundalini Activation open group sessions.

What issues have my clients successfully addressed with my Therapeutic Coaching?

Changing and transforming limiting beliefs usually rooted in the family collective subconscious sometimes over generations.

Transforming relationship patterns with themselves and others to release anxiety around fears of abandonment and rejection, as well as feelings of unworthiness.

Clearing unprocessed emotional blockages, including feelings of shame, guilt, fear, anger. Improving emotional self-regulation and nervous system rebalancing.

Navigating grief following the traumatic loss of a parent, multiple family members or lost of community.

Healing the Inner Child while addressing Complex PTSD stemming from childhood and relational trauma.

Recovering from an abusive relationship with a narcissist, addressing emotional co-dependency and nurturing a healthy self-esteem and sense of self worth.

Energetic benefits my clients experience through the complementary Kundalini Energy Activation:

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Realignment of the masculine and the feminine energy according to their own nature.

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Opening the throat chakra to assist in communicating clearly and assertively.

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Opening the heart chakra to start embodying impersonal, unconditional love and lead a heart centered life.

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Experiencing expanded states of consciousness i.e. egoless self and non-dual awareness.

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Opening of the third eye to clear and refine intuition and gifts like clairvoyance.

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Releasing and healing trauma from the body helping the nervous system to regulate and restore.

Wondering if this work is for you?

If you have read so far and get a sense my approach may help you. If so, you are in the right place. However, this approach would help you the most if you:


  • have reach a point where you know, you need help to grow over your shadows

  • know you are in an unhealthy relationship but don't know how to be healthy in relationships

  • are tired of â€‹being surviving instead of thriving

  • have tried very hard but still things just don't flow the way "they should". You are stuck

  • are tired of feeling hurt, not seeing or valued for whom you are

  • want to feel happy and at peace in stead of anxious, overwhelmed, stressed or shut-down

  • struggle to name your needs and don't know how to self-care even if you wanted to

  • have difficulties with boundaries and want to learn how to put and maintain them

  • sense deep down that you can do better and you deserve better

  • have already done some work and answered yes to at least one sentence of the above


All of those statements and the ones on the "home" page are signs that your body and mind are holding blockages in different forms and at different levels affecting the natural flow of your life force energy, hence the unfolding of your dream life. If you resonate don't wait longer and book a discovery call now. 

This work is NOT for you if:


  • If you currently are struggling to function in daily life (i.e. if you can’t get out of bed)

  • if you are not yet ready to take action and implement some changes, even if small

  • if you are not yet ready to be honest with yourself

  • if you are stuck in victimhood and think others need to change for you to feel better

  • if you are currently going through acute trauma


Therapeutic Coaching sits in the space between therapy and coaching and is designed for clients who – at most – would meet criteria for a minor diagnosis such as an adjustment disorder. The model is not to be used as a substitute for traditional Psychotherapy, and is not designed to treat serious clinical diagnoses/conditions.


Sessions do not qualify for health insurance or any healthcare payment plans including FSA, HSA or Healthcare dollar arrangements.


In case you are looking for a Psychotherapeutic process, usually longer and with appropriate diagnosis, please get in contact with me to personally assess your situation and find out if I we are a good fit for a long term psycho-therapeutical process.

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